Ballet Turnout Exercises

Before going into details the first thing you need to know is what is the turnout? It is the most important part of the ballet technique. It is measured by the angle between center lines of feet when both heels are touching. 1800 turnout is considered to be a complete turnout. You cannot achieve this without conditioning. With this exercise, there will be some limitations on your body that will limit your turnout potential. In this article, we will tell you about ballet turnout exercises. 

Ballet Turnout Exercises

Limitations in turnout exercises

Five major components in your body play a major role in your turnout. These components mainly control how much you can turn out. 

  • Femoral
  • In other words, it is known as a thigh bone. It’s all about retroversion vs. anteversion angle. If the angle of your thigh bone shaft is retroversion then your toes will naturally point outward. This position will make turnout easier. 

  • Orientation of acetabulum
  • Hip sockets of everyone will face to the side and forward to different degrees. If you are in a position of more side facing then you can achieve greater turnout from hips. 

  • Femoral head’s shape
  • The top part of your thigh bone is head. It is the point where your hip bone socket meets thigh bone. If you have a long and concave head it will easily touch your hip socket and you will be able to achieve a great range of motion during turnout. 

  • The elasticity of the iliofemoral ligaments 
  • These are the ligaments around your hip. If your ligaments are elastic and flexible you will be facing less resistance during your workouts. Ligaments usually control extension so these ligaments should be flexible. 

  • Hip Muscles
  • The strength and flexibility of muscles around your hips can be increased by exercises. 

  • Major exercises that can help to improve your ballet turnout
  • To reach your maximum potential tries out the following exercises. These are the best ballet turnout exercises. 

    Ballet Turnout Exercises

    • Side-Lying Clam Exercise

    If you are looking to improve your turnout the first thing in your list should be greater hip rotation. This amazing exercise improves your hip flexors.

    Steps to follow in this exercise

  • As the name of the exercise is side-lying so the first thing to do is lay on your side.
  • Place a resistance band a few inches above your knees and pull it upward. 
  • Bend your knees and hip at 30 degrees angle. 
  • Throughout this exercise, your feet should be together. 
  • Make sure that your bottom knee is continuously pressed against the floor and you are slowly lifting your top knee up. 
  • Hold your knee for a few seconds and then lower your knee slowly. Repeat this process multiple times. 
  • Once you have done with one side now it’s time to switch to the opposite side.
  • Side-lying clam exercise can help you to improve your hip turnout rotation. 

  • Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) turn in stretch
  • While this exercise might seem weird, but when you want to improve your turnout you need to stretch your turn-in muscles. To attain maximum potential make sure that you are keeping the muscles in balance. 

    Steps to follow in this exercise

  • First of all, tie your resistance band to an anchor point forming a loop. Make sure that the forming loop is secure. 
  • Loop the band and face the anchor around your upper left thigh. 
  • Kneel your left knee at the floor and with your right leg perform a lunge stepping forward. This position will form a 90-degree angle. 
  • Now slightly turn your right lower leg and foot outward and slightly lean forward. 
  • Put your left arm above your head and for a good stretch lean to the right. 
  • Now perform the same steps by switching to the opposite leg. 
  • This is a very simple but most effective ballet turnout exercise. 

  • Piriformis Exercise
  • During your 40% turnout rotation, piriformis muscles play a major role in rotation of your legs and feet outward.  This exercise can help to stabilize your hips. There are two main reasons why this exercise is so important. 

    Steps to follow in this exercise

  • Around the barre tie your resistance band and at a similar height use a secure anchor. Do this practice if you are trying this at home. 
  • Stand in a sideways position to ensure your right leg is closer to barre and it is in a parallel position. 
  • Around your left knee slide the resistance band loop. 
  • Now go to retire position.
  • Slightly rotate your left knee outward into turned-out retires. 
  • Repeat the same process for at least 10 times. 
  • Now turn to your standing leg and repeat the same process for ten times.
  • Finally, switch to your opposite leg and repeat all the steps. 
  • This is another effective ballet turnout exercise. 

  • Rond de Jambe exercises using a resistance band
  • This is the last exercise but it is more challenging. This exercise gives your hips a more workout. 

    Steps to follow in this exercise

  • First of all, tie the resistance band make sure that it looks snugly around your mid-thighs. 
  • Stand in the first position and for support, you can use a chair or barre. 
  • While performing ten Rond de Jambes en Dehors, concentrate on your rotation. 
  • In the last step complete ten Rond de Jambes en Dedans. 
  • These are the four best ballet turnout exercises. One thing that should be in your mind, working and improving turnout requires practice and dedication. Your body will be the main hurdle in your rotation. But you can improve this if you can strengthen your hip muscles. 

    For a ballet dancer, turnout strength and stretch is the key. If you have the correct turnout, it can help you out for beautiful movements. At the same time, incorrect and poor turnout can limit your range of movements and can lead to knee problems.  

    Efforts have been made to get the information as accurate and updated as possible. If you found any incorrect information with credible source, please send it via the contact us form
    Author: Sky Hoon
    Into Watching Tik Tok Dancing. He loved to watch creative Tik Tok Dancing that show a person's personality. Created this blog to learnt more about dancing.
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